Your Windshield and Your Safety Go Hand In Hand

A lot of people make the mistake of ignoring car window replacement needs. While auto glass repair accounts for about 30% of all insurance claims, there are still people that put it off. Ignoring the need for windshield repairs can be putting you and your passengers in danger.

Many people look at a chipped or cracked windshield and think that it is a minor issue, and they can wait to deal with car window replacement or repair. The fact is waiting to address the problem can be like playing Russian Roulette.

Your Cars Engineering

Cars, trucks, and vans are all engineered with extremely specific detail. Automotive glass is figured into that specific detail. When the glass is compromised it compromises the overall safety of your vehicle. Your vehicle is engineered for safe operation if all the structural parts are doing their job including your auto glass.

Damage Does Not Get Better

Whether it is chipped glass, cracked glass, or complete destruction of the glass, it will not get better on its own. The damaged auto glass will get worse with time. A small chip that is easily repaired can turn into a crack across the field of vision on your windshield. It can compromise your vision and cause hazardous driving conditions.

There are several things that can cause your small chip to turn into a large crack, including:

  • Changes in the weather. A beautiful sunny day that turns into frosty overnight temps can be just enough stress to crack a damaged windshield or other car glass.
  • Potholes can do your glass in. A bumpy road is no friend of compromised auto glass. A few bumps in the road are all it takes to cause a catastrophic failure of your auto glass.
  • The sun is another enemy of compromised auto glass. As the heat builds up your compromised glass can be further compromised.

Addressing the need for car window replacement or repair as soon as you notice the problem will save you time, money, and keep you safe while you are driving.

Its Affordable Peace of Mind

In many cases, windshield repairs, and car window replacement can be covered by insurance depending on your insurance policy. If your insurance policy includes auto glass coverage you can have the entire cost covered.

If your insurance plan does not include auto glass coverage, if you choose the right Portland auto glass repair company, it can still be very affordable. You do not want to take the risk. Get your auto glass repairs and replacements done and have peace of mind knowing you and your passengers are safe.

Lifetime Warranty Covers Leaks, Defective Parts & Labor

Don't sweat it! Read more here about our warranty and installation care instructions.

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